Hello readers, thanks for subscribing ! During this whole process of being terminated and denied multiple potential jobs in San Francisco the vindication process has been playing itself out. I have not been actively researching VAERS due to all of these personal matters that required my attention. That may change in the near future.
Unfortunately Sasha has lived up to her preferred pronouns, “I Told You So”. In 2022 Sasha forecasted a rise in sudden deaths among EUA countermeasure recipients. Out here in the western USA I have seen or heard of numerous sudden deaths in California and Nevada. In April I even witnessed a neighbor being carted away by first responders. A few days later he died in the hospital. It turns out he had a stroke and had received inoculation #3 in the fall of 2023. So many first degree connections have died suddenly I have made a spreadsheet to document their passing.
As a result I have become familiar with the process of submitting a VAERS reports for both an dead or injured EUA medical countermeasure recipient. They’ve been deemed “fully vaccinated” because they are alive 14 days after one injection of J&J or 14 days after the second injection of Moderna or Pfizer-Biontech.
The publication time for a fatality report is faster than a report involving an injured survivor. Since VAERS publishes reports on the first Friday of the month I estimate that most fatality reports received by the 10th of the most will be published the first Friday of the following month. If a fatality report is received past the 10th the report will likely be published the first Friday of the following month. Reports involving a non-fatality may take 2-3 months minimum.
Since there have been complaints about submitting VAERS reports online I resorted to using the download PDF and snail mail method. It’s a much easier way to go in terms of getting the report done and not dealing with online glitches.
Message from Mike was never in vain. I was able to locate the VAERS report associated with his fatal adverse event, #1872793.
The write-up of Mike’s report in VAERS stated, “The nursing staff at hospital, indicated that the doctors are not allowed to submit information about reactions nor deaths to the covid-19 vaccine or they will be fired and blacklisted. We were begged to get the information to you and the public.”
The research I have conducted indicates there is truth to what Mike and his wife stated about an ongoing cover-up. It will be up to us the general public to get these adverse events enumerated in the VAERS system. If a family member, friend, relative or anyone else you know of has gone through an adverse event I highly encourage you to file and submit a VAERS report yourself. As long as the report if a good faith submission it’s all good.
With the incoming HHS secretary, RFK Jr., coming in there’s a good chance these bad actors within the medical field will finally get exposed for their ongoing cover-up. There also has been legislation at the Congressional level to get these “COVID Shots” moved out of CICP jurisdiction and into VICP jurisdiction. CICP awards have been modern day pharmaceutical peonage with substantially undercompensated claims that haven’t exceeded $10,000 yet to my knowledge. CICP does not award attorneys fees either which hurts the victims ability to obtain legal assistance. VICP on the other hand has awarded up $100,000,000 for a claim, has judicial appeal and attorney fees awards.
The process for restitution will not be easy. Patience and persistence is required. A good first step is filing a VAERS report. Anyone can file the report.
Good to hear from you Douglas! Valuable info you put forward here. Yes, you'll see even in the "new" reports come this Friday in a couple days, there will still be C19 vax deaths that happened in 2021. It's a complete throttle job between manufacturers and VAERS administration itself. At this point I believe VAERS had received reports long ago and simply change the "Received Date" so the report looks like it was received recently.... Like @LeeMuller has already mentioned in comments, I have created a free function in vaersaware.com to help people find their report: https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/where-is-my-vaers-report-vaersawarecom
Here is a relevant post - https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/where-is-my-vaers-report-vaersawarecom